电影 鬼噤声【影视解说】



  • 片名:鬼噤声【影视解说】
  • 状态:更新HD
  • 主演:Emir Mahira/Zee JKT48/Andrew Barrett/Angel Sianturi/Iszur Muchtar/Randhika Jamil/Kezia Caroline/Shatora Narajan/Farandika/Chelcy Clarissa/Gabriela Margareth Warouw/Neysa Chandria/阿里约·瓦哈布/Jenny Zhang/
  • 导演:Ginanti Rona/
  • 年份:2022
  • 地区:印度尼西亚
  • 类型:影视解说/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:印度尼西亚语
  • 更新:2024-07-17 23:04
  • 简介: Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures him, as they often appear to help settle their grudges or solve their problems. Rakka often helps police uncover murder suspects and where victims are buried. Rakka's ability makes him ostracized at school. Rakka decides to move to Bogor to live with his uncle, Ajat, who also has the same ability. Rakka meets a beautiful ghost who can't remember her name. Rakka begins to bond with this ghost named Dini because she is the only person who can understand Rakka. Dini forgets her past and has no purpose. Feeling pity for this situation, Rakka intends to help Dini remember her past. Meanwhile, at his new school, terror appears from a mysterious ghost figure who is seen wearing a bloody mask. Some of Rakka's friends disappeared. Rakka uses her abilities to find out the reason behind this ghost terror.
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首页 电影 影视解说 鬼噤声【影视解说】


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 Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures him, as they often appear to help settle their grudges or solve their problems. Rakka often helps police uncover murder suspects and where victims are buried. Rakka's ability makes him ostracized at school. Rakka decides to move to Bogor to live with his uncle, Ajat, who also has the same ability. Rakka meets a beautiful ghost who can't remember her name. Rakka begins to bond with this ghost named Dini because she is the only person who can understand Rakka. Dini forgets her past and has no purpose. Feeling pity for this situation, Rakka intends to help Dini remember her past. Meanwhile, at his new school, terror appears from a mysterious ghost figure who is seen wearing a bloody mask. Some of Rakka's friends disappeared. Rakka uses her abilities to find out the reason behind this ghost terror.


  • 已完结
    4.0 曾舜晞/杨超越/刘宇宁/陈楚河/孟子义/孙祖君/罗嘉良/
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    9.0 伍强/梁达/王青山/
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    4.0 法赫里·亚迪姆/瓦莱丽·帕赫纳/卡拉·迪亚茨/奈拉·舒伯特/Caspar Hoffmann/朱利安·德·圣·让/Melodie Casta/Sina Martens/米韦克·帕卡/Joep Paddenburg/约翰·冯·比罗/Nina Zem/
  • 已完结
    4.0 法赫里·亚迪姆/瓦莱丽·帕赫纳/卡拉·迪亚茨/奈拉·舒伯特/Caspar Hoffmann/朱利安·德·圣·让/Melodie Casta/Sina Martens/米韦克·帕卡/Joep Paddenburg/约翰·冯·比罗/Nina Zem/
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    10.0 范冰冰/黄海冰/孙浩/韩雪/孙菲菲/张嘉益/达式常/申军谊/毛宁/寇占文/孙晨曦/曹培昌/孔琳/许还幻/卓凡/姬他/何琳/徐锦江/马精武/谢宁/王岗/于荣光/释小龙/王德顺/康凯/黄晓明/张国立/沙景昌/吕行/赵小锐/陈凯/李强/王文升/王劲松/郭刚/梁超/张惠中/德力格尔/洋光/张梓烈/郭伟/赵熠伟/耿歌/梁雅琦/陈福生/刘建/张熙/管寿义/王培祎/马佳/杨云溪/
  • 已完结
    10.0 释小龙/穆婷婷/于波/王建福/王璐/陈之辉/冯国强/刘国光/王梓诺/于莎莎/
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    10.0 张智霖/钟汉良/李小冉/宋佳/黄智贤/于娜/陈大成/一真/谢宁/修革/卢勇/刘卫华/孙茜/程武/李海涛/
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    2.0 王霄///王小凤///周洁/
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    2.0 王霄///王小凤///周洁/
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    1.0 莱丝莉·比伯/凯莉·库恩/沃尔顿·戈金斯/莎拉·凯瑟琳·胡克//詹森·艾萨克/Lisa/米歇尔·莫纳汉/萨姆·尼沃拉/列克·帕特拉瓦迪/帕克·波西/娜塔莎·罗斯韦尔/帕特里克·施瓦辛格/泰梅·塔普提姆通/艾米·卢·伍德/尼古拉斯·杜威内/阿纳斯·费达拉维修斯/克里斯蒂安·富里道尔/斯科特·格伦/多姆·海特拉库/尤里·科洛科利尼科夫/朱利安·科斯托夫/夏洛特·勒邦/摩根娜·奥莱利/沙利妮·佩里斯/
  • 已完结
    2.0 莱丝莉·比伯/凯莉·库恩/沃尔顿·戈金斯/莎拉·凯瑟琳·胡克//詹森·艾萨克/Lisa/米歇尔·莫纳汉/萨姆·尼沃拉/列克·帕特拉瓦迪/帕克·波西/娜塔莎·罗斯韦尔/帕特里克·施瓦辛格/泰梅·塔普提姆通/艾米·卢·伍德/尼古拉斯·杜威内/阿纳斯·费达拉维修斯/克里斯蒂安·富里道尔/斯科特·格伦/多姆·海特拉库/尤里·科洛科利尼科夫/朱利安·科斯托夫/夏洛特·勒邦/摩根娜·奥莱利/沙利妮·佩里斯/
  • 已完结
    3.0 黄渤/黄奕/杜海涛/马书良/黄小蕾/张殿菲/韩志/邓紫飞/
  • 已完结
    9.0 黄渤/黄奕/杜海涛/马书良/黄小蕾/张殿菲/韩志/邓紫飞/
  • 已完结
    1.0 刘孜/唐一菲/杨亚星/李天洋/王笛/于谨维/李子雄/
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    7.0 秋瓷炫/张博/巩峥/王卓/李依玲/
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    10.0 秋瓷炫/张博/巩峥/王卓/李依玲/
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    3.0 妮可·基德曼/哈里斯·迪金森/安东尼奥·班德拉斯/苏菲·王尔德/伊斯特·麦克格雷格/沃恩·蕾莉/维克多·斯勒扎克/莱斯利·席尔瓦/盖特·杨森/罗伯特·法里奥尔/巴特利·博兹/阿努普·德塞/玛丽·安·兰姆/加布里埃尔·波利卡诺/加布里埃拉·托雷斯/伊莎贝·玛尔/马克斯·奥赫利希/迈克尔·威奇曼/马罗·霍尔/多莉·韦尔斯/苔丝·麦克米兰/斯凯拉·马修斯/莫莉·皮瑞斯/马克斯韦尔·惠廷顿-库珀/
  • 已完结
    3.0 赵福余/倪萍/鲁园/石燕/相虹/梁同裕/傅艺伟/刘汉璞/王忠礼/胡建华/尉骞/杨玉斌/张延/王彦青/白云/
  • 已完结
    4.0 王志飞/刘蓓/张国立/
  • 已完结
    1.0 赵露思/刘特/周峻纬/漆培鑫/李沐宸/刘胤君/张研/贺鹏/宗元圆/刘哲珲/


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